Sunday, December 6, 2009

I Am Fashion

Vector Imaging Final Project: A Self Portrait
I wanted 2 show my love for fashion in this self portrait. I used panels in the background and throughout the figure to show the different sides of me as it relates to fashion. Outerwear, footwear, and swimwear are very important to me and I felt they would be the truest representation of me as a lover of fashion.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Decorative Space

Shallow Space

Deep Space

Vector Imaging Project III

She's So UnHappy

Photo Imaging Project
This is the final print of five prints. The theme of my self portrait was being unhappy with your weight. I see a lot of women constantly striving to lose weight when they are actually fine the way they are. I did this one as a message to them showing how crazy the obsession with weight loss could get. Even when you think it's hidden and under control, it's actually written all over you.

Beauty Rush

Vector Imaging Project I
Consumer product drawn in vector language based on a photograph

White charcoal on black paper

Drawing I homework assignment

Erasing into charcoal ground

Another Drawing II homework assignment.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Whirlwind

The is a homework assignment that is of an object that is closely observed and drawn four times, from four different angles. I decided to turn make it look like a whirlwind because of the way it flowed and the way the shoe was observed.

Distorted Grid

This is an image that I drew of America's Next Top Model winner Eva Pigford. The assignment was to choose a portrait of someone and distort it with crazy grid lines.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Shoe Fanatic

This is a video I created based on a final project for a Photo Imaging class. The purpose is to show my obsession with shoes and how over the top people can be about things that they are crazy about.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I Remember

This is print one of two of a set of photographs that are supposed to be based on the lyrics of a song. My song of choice was I Remember by Keyshia Cole. The song is about a girl who is looking back on a past relationship that really left her heartbroken. I tried to capture that mood in this piece by including the tissue and the ipod surrounding the devastated girl.

This is the second photograph and it references a very specific verse in the song. The lyrics are 'I remember when I walked out, I remember when I said I hated you, Somehow deep inside still loving you, So sad and lonely.' So that's just basically what this image is supposed to portray.