Thursday, December 23, 2010

Black Girls Rock!

I designed this poster for our controversial issues poster project. With issues like aids, gay rights, and racism on our list of topics, I decided to choose an issue of my own that is still very prominent in our time - self hate. I see a lot of documentaries on young girls who will do whatever it takes to look like the girl in the magazine because they hate who they are or how they look. I wanted to send out a message that sometimes that look could be impossible to achieve but if you have confidence in yourself, your inner beauty will shine through. Black Girls Rock Inc. is a real company and they did a special on BET so I just imagined myself making a poster for their cause. 

Vintage Movie Poster

For our history project, we had to design a publication piece from any decade in the past. I decided to recreate a movie poster from the 1940's called "Blues for a Alabama Sky". This was a book and a play but I wanted to turn it into a movie as well. I actually saw this play on campus and really enjoyed it. This poster is reminiscent of the time period because of the minimalistic color palette and vintage typefaces.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Vintage Fruit Crate Label

For this project, I had to design a fruit crate label from the 30's or 40's of a Mississippi fruit of my choosing. I created the company and brand. I also chose Carmen Miranda to help me advertise the blueberries because during that time she was famous for her fruity head dresses so I thought it would be fun to put my own spin on her look.

Textbook Design

For this project, we had to design a book cover for an art class that we've taken and use one of our pieces from that class to illustrate the cover. I really enjoyed making screen prints also know as seriography so I decided to make my book about that. I also found a way to implement my logo into the design.

Client Logo Samples

This was the first logo  presented to the client for her interior design company. She informed me that she only wanted her initials in a fancy font, no images, and brighter colors.
This is what I created from that request. She chose the pink one. :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Fashion Collage!

I made this collage from an image I found online. I photoshop'd  all of the african american models into the piece as well as a picture of myself, the nail polish, and my name. I just did this for funsies. I'm currently using this image as the desktop wallpaper on my Mac. :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Let's Talk!


This is a series of posters I designed for the Let's Talk program on campus. This was apart of our client project in Graphic Design 2. I presented all three to the staff and they chose the first one to be displayed on campus, =)

Business Card (Reloaded)

This is my new updated business card using my new logo. I feel that it's a bit more sophisticated. I really do love it. :) PS- I had to block out my phone number for security purposes.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Unconscious Beauty!

This is another self portrait without using the face done in the form of a silkscreen. The theme for this project was vanitas. I used symbolism & color symbolism to abstractly represent myself. Firstly, black roses represent death which ties into the vanitas theme. Yellow roses represent unconscious beauty which I feel I have sometimes and the blue was used to help compliment the yellow.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Business Card



This is the first business card I ever made for a Graphic Design project. My phone number and other personal information is also included but for security purposes I decided to leave that off. You understand. I plan on making a totally new card with my new logo. Can't wait!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

If I were to design a jean line...

This is for a Vector Imaging project where we had to design for an imaginary consumer product. The jean line would be for women and it would be called Embrace. Taking into consideration that women want to feel beautiful and comfortable in their jeans no matter their body frame, I decided to make three styles of jeans. This is the main tag for the jeans.

These are the secondary tags. The diva jeans are in the skinny style, the sweetheart would be skinny flare, & the flirt is for flare jeans.  

My New Logo ;)

This is my new logo. I decided to shorten it to just my initials "C" "F". I think this one is a winner. 

Friday, July 30, 2010

Kari's Bunny!

This is a bunny rabbit I made for a sculpture project in Ceramics I. The theme of the project was classic childhood toys. I chose a stuffed animal because I know it is very relatable and timeless. Really enjoyed this one!

A place to store one's jewels!

This is a jewelry box I made for our slab box project in Ceramics I. I decided to incorporate my own poetry and one of my favorite flowers, the hibiscus, into the design of the box.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Logo

This is my own personal logo. My identity, if you will.